Dyslexia Tutoring
with Barton Reading
& Spelling System
Compass Point Learning, L.L.C.
Oak Park & River Forest
Writing help:
Literature and History Essays/Research Papers, College Application Essays, Writing Basics
We guide students along their own path.
Compass Point Learning is committed to delivering excellent, individualized learning experiences and programs that guide and empower students to set and achieve their goals. Our trained and professional educators discover where our clients want to be and then customize sessions to provide the approach to match each unique path and learning style. We believe that every student can learn and grow; we point them in the direction to get and stay on their most successful track.
With Compass Point Learning, you set the goals; we provide the direction to get there.
All of our educators are licensed and/or degreed in the areas they tutor. They also undergo rigorous screening to ensure that Compass Point Learning always offers the highest quality of service.
In today's hectic world, students are stretched extremely thin. With school, extracurricular activities and busy social lives, going to a tutoring center can be a burden. Compass Point Learning's professional educators arrange to meet students in their homes or at other convenient locations. This optimizes study time and helps students improve their study skills in the environment where they typically work.
Reading Strategies/Note-taking
All Academic Areas/Levels:
One-on-One Tutoring
Small Group Tutoring
College App/Scholarship Essay Writing
Study Skills and Organizational Skills
High School Placement Prep
Barton Reading & Spelling System for Dyslexia
Reading Strategies/Note-taking
Writing Skills
Cover Letter and Resume Writing
Interviewing Skills
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